Board of Directors

Lisa DiMolfetto
Lisa DiMolfetto began volunteering as an advocate for seniors in 2008 when she became an ombudsman with Long-Term Care Services of Ventura County. Lisa continued serving as an ombudsman in Santa Clara County when she moved to the Bay Area, and upon her return to Ventura County in 2011, became a member of the Board of Directors. Lisa has worked in the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry for the past 25 years, and before her career in this industry, earned her PhD in Immunology from U.C. Davis.
A native of Bakersfield, CA, Lisa has never lived beyond the borders of California. Lisa has been especially close to her parents, who inspire her to appreciate seniors, find great joy in their company, and advocate for their rights.

Toni Olson
Vice Chair
Toni Olson and her husband Richard have lived in Simi Valley for 26 years. They have four children,ten grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. Toni is a Registered Nurse and Nurse Practitioner. She has worked in nursing and healthcare her entire career, and she says her hope is to “enhance senior’s lives through her experience and expertise”. Toni’s last position prior to retiring was Director of Acute Rehabilitation at Los Robles Medical Center in Thousand Oaks.
Toni has served on our Board of Directors for the past three years. Previously she was an Ombudsman serving residential and long-term facilities in Ventura County. Toni has been active in VCAAA for ten years, four of which she served as Chairperson. In 2018 she received the VCAAA Advocacy and Leadership award. Toni also served on the Simi Valley Council on Aging for nine years, six years as Chairperson. In 2015 she received the Wayne Templeton Award for outstanding volunteerism; and in 2017 she was voted Simi Valley Community Volunteer of the Year.

Dana Bowen
Dana Bowen, Treasurer, has served on the Board of Directors since the year 2000, formerly as board chair – two terms – and currently as treasurer. A CPA for 29 years, Dana brings a wealth of expertise in her role. She is actively involved in the financial stewardship of Long Term Care Services, and over the years has provided hundreds of hours of professional pro bono services. Currently she is a partner in BSI Energy Partners, LLC., where she also serves as the Chief Financial Officer.
Dana says, “Being able to help create a better life for our seniors in long term care through the work of the Ombudsman Program brings me great personal satisfaction and joy. This work is a gift to me.

Fran Rifley
Fran Rifley joined the Board of Directors in 2014. A registered nurse for 48 years, Fran completed her career with her retirement from California Forensic Medical Group. She has lived in Ventura County since 1967 when she moved here with her husband, Bryan, from Phoenix, Arizona. They have three married children and enjoy seven grandchildren, all in Ventura County.
Fran says, “After learning of the Ombudsman program in Ventura County, it did not take much to realize the important mission and amazing commitment of this organization to the seniors in our community. I’m proud to become a part of the VC Ombudsman Program and hope to be able to contribute to the mission of ensuring quality of life to those seniors in need of a voice.

Marie Jones
“I am extremely glad that I’m part of this organization that advocates a high quality of life for long-term care recipients. This is critical particularly with the growing number of people aging in the community. By being part of this organization, I hope that I will be an instrument of change for improving the lives of long-term care.”

Jackie Lacombe
Jackie Lacombe has served on the Board of Directors since January, 2008. A native of Michigan, Jackie has lived in Old Agoura for the last 25 years. She attended Moorpark College and CSU Channel Islands as a Psychology Major with an emphasis in Gerontology and is employed by Arcutis Biotherapeutics, Inc. Jackie has long been an advocate of the elderly, serving as a volunteer for Westlake Village Meals on Wheels for 15 years.
“My involvement with LTC Services began in 2006 with the Ventura Ombudsman Senior Santa program. I was very impressed with the organization’s leadership and compassionate treatment and advocacy for Ventura County Seniors. LTC Services is an amazing program and I am honored to be a part of their efforts to improve the lives of seniors and long term care residents of Ventura County.”

Daniel Uhlar
Daniel Uhlar is a Northeast Ohio native who relocated to Southern California in 1975. His educational background includes a B.A. in Comprehensive Social Studies from Youngstown State University (Ohio) and a Master’s in Public Administration and Urban Planning from the University of Akron (Ohio). Furthermore, he attended the Graduate School of Social Work at Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge) and California State University (Fullerton) – Certificate in Transportation Demand Management.
Daniel’s work experience includes 22 years as a city/county planner in Northern (County of El Dorado) and Southern California (City of Oxnard and County of Ventura). He believes his planning career was highlighted by his five-year role as Senior Planner for the Advanced Planning Section for the City of Oxnard.
His involvement with the Ventura County Ombudsman Program began in late 2001 as a volunteer. He became a full-time staff member in 2004 and served as the Ombudsman at Large for nearly five years. In 2019- 2020, during the Covid lockdown, Daniel served as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
He is currently serving a four-year term as a member of the City of Ventura’s Historic Preservation Committee, which is responsible for overseeing and protecting the city’s historical structures and landmarks.
Daniel firmly believes in the organization’s mission statement, “Assure the highest quality of life and care possible for our elderly and disabled in long-term care facilities throughout Ventura County.” He hopes to make a difference and enable the Board to make decisions that will allow the organization to flourish and become a state model for advocacy for the elderly in long-term care facilities.
In memoriam

Erbie Daw
Board of Directors 1999-2024