Pre-Placement Counseling
Choosing a long term care facility is a very important decision. As a family member or caregiver, you will need to plan ahead and think about long term care before you or your loved one needs it, or you are in a crisis. The best time to talk about long term care is before you need it.
- Nearly one out of every four U.S. households—roughly 22 million—provide caregiver services to a relative or friend over 50 years of age
- 40% of caregivers are also raising children
- 64% work either full – or part time
- 40% of Caregivers die before the person for whom they are providing care

What is Pre-Placement Counseling?
It is a confidential consultation conducted by phone, email, or face-to-face between you and a professional compassionate staff Ombudsman who will introduce you to the world of long term care. You will become familiar with the different types of long term care facilities in Ventura County, the levels of care and services they provide, and a general idea of the costs involved with placement in a long term care facility in Ventura County.
You will learn about payment options. What MediCal does and does not cover, and that currently MediCal does not pay for care in assisted living or residential care facilities. You will learn about Supplemental Social Security (SSI) and which assisted living facilities and residential care facilities accept SSI for payment in Ventura County.
You will be provided a current list and contact information for the following facilities in the county:
- Skilled nursing facilities
- Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly – large Assisted Living and small Board and Care homes
- Adult Day Health Care Facilities
Pre-placement Counseling is Confidential and Free of Charge and is available by Phone, email, or in person at our office.