What We Do
Ventura County Ombudsman Services & Support
Our Services
Long Term Care Services of Ventura County is an independent 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit organization. It is not a government agency, rather it contracts with the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) of Ventura County to provide federally mandated Ombudsman services to seniors living in long term care facilities throughout the county. Approximately 60% of its funding comes from the AAA. The remainder is made up of foundation grants, fundraisers, donations, and contributions from individuals, municipalities, and service leagues.
Long Term Care Services of Ventura County Ombudsman Program provides the following confidential and free services:
Confidential. Free of Charge. Unduplicated.
Long Term Care Services Ombudsman Program serves a segment of the population that would otherwise have no means of representation. It pro-acts and advocates for those who cannot speak for themselves. In the absence of the Ombudsman, it is feared that most elder abuse and complaints in long-term care facilities would go unnoticed and unremedied, while levels of care and the quality of life for the frail, elderly residents would certainly deteriorate.
Ombudsman services are confidential, free of charge, and unduplicated by any other organization.
No other agency or program exists solely to advocate for the institutionalized elderly. Each year Long Term Care Services Ombudsman Program provides the elders of Ventura County, their families, and the community at large over 20,000 hours of free services.

Pre-Placement Counseling
“More than 27 million family caregivers in America provide more that 20 hours of care each week. Family caregivers in the United States provide an estimated 257 billion in unpaid services annually—more than twice what is spent on nursing homes and paid home care combined”.
When it comes time to place a loved one in long term care, many family caregivers have no idea what to do or where to turn.
Complaint Investigation
The Long Term Care Ombudsman responds to complaints and problems made by or on behalf of the residents in Ventura County’s long term care facilities. As Ombudsmen, we objectively investigate issues brought to our attention and then seek solutions that meet the needs and desires of the residents.